The Grok Drills


The Grok Drills

The Grok Drills were developed back in 1994 and are meant to be experential fun. These drills will remove emotional charge and in many cases if done with circular breathing through the left nostril only will lead to full essence and transformation of the feelings, Beliefs, and physical sensations to be processed. Some of the questions and physical elements are rooted in the work of Milton Erickson, Wayne Cook, Tarthang Tulku, R. Maharshi, Stephen Wolinsky, S.W. Rao, E. Rossi,Bill O'hanlon, and G.I. Gurdjieff. These drills can lead to clears and to experiential openings. Have fun! Steve Warning: Not to be done by persons with serious mental illness or by persons with panic or severe trauma without the assistance of a trained energy therapist.

GROK DRILL I Prior to doing the Grok Drills always do the following: A) Do a Cook's Hookup (Wayne Cook). Simply cross left ankle over right ankle. Place left hand on right thigh. Place right hand on left thigh (over left hand). Place tongue tip against the roof of mouth. Keep this position for 2 minutes. This makes for a cleaner process and corrects for energy flow problems.

B) Either breathe slowly through your left nostril only or lay down on your right side to emphasize left nasel dominance. You may do your circular breathing this way. Circular breathing is described in the Vortex, Clear 5, M.G., or D.I.E. Left nasal dominance breathing comes from ancient Indian practices and has more recently been promoted by E. Rossi. Support head and body comfortably with pillows.

C) Gently place either palm directly over the area where your heart beats. Let the touch here be gentle. This will engage the heart energy field and help keep feelings in the body. Hand may be changed for comfort during drills.

Utilize A, B, C in all of the Grok Drills.

GROK DRILL I 1) Is there a feeling, belief, or physical sensation (F,B,PS)that appears to be a challenge for me?

2) If yes, can I experience this feeling, belief, physical sensation in my body. Can I allow this feeling to be there by imagining scenes from my past, present, and future. I can allow these scenes to form with all my senses involved. Feel. Hear. See. Smell. Taste.

3) After this feeling is fully in my body, can I sincerely thank it for being there because it may have: a)Helped me grow. B) Served a valuable function. c)Helped develop wisdom and patience. d)Gave me a way to utilize my time in life. E) Protected me from feeling worse at a younger age. F)Other. Experience each answer that may apply and give your heartfelt thanks.

4)Allow your f/b/ps to be fully there. Experience it with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it. Allow your experience of the f/b/ps to grow. Your unconscious knows how to let it flow from start to finish. You will be with it now. Spend some time here before going on to 5. Often the f/b/ps will suddenly vanish in thin air. No big deal. There's plenty of f/b/ps's to go around.

5) Do you notice where your f/b/ps takes up space in your body? Do you notice the space surrounding it? Spend some time noticing the sapce surrounding what you are experiencing.

6) Does the f/b/ps have a shape? Can you experience that shape? How much larger is the space around the shape? Does the space seem infinite when you notice it traveling in all directions? Is the shape in the space? Is there space in the shape? Just pay attention to what is going on. There are no intellectual answers. Just experiential.

7) Allow your f/b/ps to be there fully with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it. spend a little time here.

8) Can you welcome your f/b/ps as a friend? Really experience it as a deep friend or even loved one? No skipping a hearbeat!

9)Can you call your f/b/ps either Mr. Up Energy, Ms. Down energy, or Mr. & Mrs. Neutral? Does this alter you experience? Allow yourself to feel this alteration.

10) Really fully experience your named energy without intention of getting rid of it or keeping it. Allow it to be there.

11) Can you experience your named energy in its location. Can you allow it to move slightly up and down. Can you move it in a circle? Can you allow it to go faster and faster in its circle? Slow it down and move it back to its original place. What do you notice experientially?

12)Can you fully experience what remains of your named energy with out intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

13) Is this experience in your consciousness? Is it part of your consciousness? What observes it? Is that part of your consciousness? Is what you observe and what is observed part of consciousness. Is the observable universe part of your consciousness? What would happen if the descriptor Consciousness did not exist? What do you notice here experientially?

14)Pay full attention to whatever experience is left without the intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

15) Pay attention to any resistance to this remaining experience being here. Can you fully experience the resitance with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it?

16) Pay full attention to any remaining experience with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it. Allow what ever occurs to occur. No forcing, no keeping. Just be with it until it transforms naturally and fully.

EMOCLEAR: THE GROK DRILLS, Drill II As with all Grok drills, utilize steps A,B,C as outlined in Drill I. This is the Cook's Hookup, Left Nasal Dominance breathing, and palm on heart energy region. The breathing can be done in a circular fashion through the left nostril only.

GROK DRILL II 1) Is there a feeling, belief, or physical sensation that is a challenge for you at this moment? Ask your unconscious. If there is can you now allow yourself to fully feel it. You may imagine or recall any scene using all five of your senses: Feel. Hear. See. Taste. Smell. Allow the feeling to percolate.

2)Can you thank it for being there because your unconscious chose it to do something important for you at some point in your life.

3) Fully experience this f/b/ps in your body with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

4) Do you detect any tension involved in this experience or a desire for it to go away? Fully experience this tension/desire to be gone and call it my dear friend: My friend tension . What do you notice?

5)Fully experience my dear friend My friend tension with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

6)Allow the name My friend tension to vanish. What do you experience now? Let your unconscious do the vanishing of the name in whatever way it wants.

7) Fully experience whatever experience remains with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

8)Does observing the remaining experience create this experience? By creating this reamining experience am I resisting anything? Can I fully experience what I might be resisting now with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

9) Does this experience occur in my awareness? Is the universe part of my awareness? Are the questions part of my awareness? Where is my awareness? Is that awareness inside another awareness? Where do other awarenesses start and my begins? Is there really a start and a begin? Are they definitions? What would happen if there were no descriptors? What am I experiencing now? Where is this I am experiencing? Is there actually any experiencing going on? How do I know this?

10) Allow yourself to fully experience the remaining experience with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it. Keep this last step up until you naturally process whatever is occuring or not occuring. Process out into full essence and transformation.

Go to Grok Drill III

EMOCLEAR: GROK DRILL III As with the other Grok Drills do steps A,B,C as outlined at the start of Grok Drill I.


1) Can you ask your unconscious for a challenging feeling, belief, or physical sensation (F/B/PS) to experience? If it provides this F/B/PS can you allow this experience to grow by imagining it in a past, present, or future scene

2) Can you experience this f/B/PS somewhere in your body. Can you fully feel it with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it. Can you allow your 5 senses to help build this scene that helps bring about your challenging experience? Use your ability to see, hear, feel, smell, and taste.

3) What is different about what is viewing this challenging experience and the challenging experience itself? What creates the difference? What creates the creator of this thing making the difference? What observes this creation? What creates the observer? Is the observer made of awareness? What happens when the sense of awareness vanishes?

4) Pay attention to the remaining experience and fully experience it without the intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

5)Has your unconscious ever processed an experience or a feeling or a belief or a physical sensation? How do you know this? Is knowingness part of consciousness? Is your remaining experience part of consciousness? Is consciousness energy? If so, remove the label energy. What happens?

6) Pay attention to what experience is left and fully experience it with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

7) Is your watching creating what's left of your experience? Can you turn off your experience and turn it back on? Can you do that once more? Is your watching made of the same awareness as the room and the universe out there? Can you turn off the room and the universe? Can you turn it back on? Can you do that again?

8) Allow yourself to pay full attention to whatever is left with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

Go to Grok Drill IV

GROK DRILL IV Utilize the A, B, C steps in Grok Drill I.

1) Ask your unconscious for a challenging feeling, belief, or physical sensation. Fully experience this f/b/ps by imagining a scene using all 5 of your senses. Allow this f/b/ps to grow as strong as possible.

2) Fully experience this f/b/s in your body with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

3)How might experience your f/b/ps 3 years from now if your unconscious removed all of your experience's emotional charge? How might you experience this f/b/ps three years from now if your unconscious left you looking at your self, others, and the world around you in a wholly new and positive way?

4) Allow yourself to fully experience your f/b/ps with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

5) Did you once view your f/b/ps as a challenge? What is beggining to change in how you saw your challenge? What part of it shifted? Is it the way you now see it? The way you now feel it? The way you now Hear it?

7) Allow yourself to fully experience your f/b/ps with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

8) How would you experience your remaining f/b/ps if your unconscious magically transformed it either into an opposite postive feeling, a resourceful positive state, or a pleasant physical sensation? What would you notice first?

9) Allow yourself to fully experience your remaining f/b/ps with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

10)Can you observe your experience on the left of your consciousness? On the right of your consciousness? What made these right and left? Can you remove the labels right and left? Can you remove the word consciousness? What happens when you do this? Experience it.

11) Allow yourself to fully experience your remaining experience with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it. Allow yourself to naturally process what is occurring for you. Allow this process to continue on its own until your experience has fully transformed.

Go to Grok Drill V

GROK DRILL V As with the previous 4 drills, utilize steps A,B,C in Grok Drill I.

1) Ask your unconscious for a challenging feeling, belief, or physical sensation. Allow yourself to experience it in your body. You can bring about this process by imagining a scene with your 5 senses. Feel. Hear. See. Smell. Taste. Just gently allow this to happen.

2) Allow yourself to fully experience your f/b/ps with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it. Just permit it to be there.

3) What would happen if your challenging f/b/ps could be your only experience in life? You become fixated on this. Any attempt to get rid of it would intensify it and make it seem even more negative. Yet somewhere in the background you heard your own voice and it said: "Let it be there and nature will allow it to go its own way." Would you go along with the program or would you fight it because it felt bad at first? What do you experience now?

4) Allow yourself to fully experience your remaining f/b/ps with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

5) Can you allow your unconscious to make the f/b/ps larger then smaller. Louder then quieter. Nearer then farther. More intense then less intense. Brighter then darker. Serious then funny. Can you allow it to turn off then on? What do you now notice? Fully experience what you notice.

6) Allow yourself to fully experience your remaining f/b/ps with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

7)What would your life be like without your remaining f/b/ps? Ask your f/b/ps for the answer to this question and give it time to answer in any way that it would want. How would life be different? What would you notice first? How would life be different for others around you? What would you notice at first and then later? What would others say about these changes?

8)Allow yourself to fully experience your remaining f/b/ps with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

9) After your remaining f/b/ps created valuable resources for you, how might you describe your f/b/ps in everyday terms? When your f/b/ps has transformed , what will you notice first? The moment you notice positive changes in your life and your f/b/ps feels completely acceptable, Who will you tell first? What will important others be saying about you? The second your remaining f/b/ps has transformed, what will you call this process?

10) Allow yourself to fully experience your remaining f/b/ps with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

11) Place a large white frame with smiley faces around your remaining f/b/ps. Gaze at it for a moment and remove the frame. What id you notice. What would the frame of acceptance look like? Could you place that frame on it now? What does it feel like?

12) Allow yourself to fully experience your remaining experience with no intention of getting rid of it or keeping it.

13) Is your experience created by: ____________. a)Consciousness b)Labels c)Past unconscious nexperience d)Observations e)Energy f)Nothing g)Something just out of this screen h)NAP i)Yogi j)Eldon k)Lyle l)Robert m) Macespace n)Cyndy o)Derek & Cyndy p)Teko q)William r)John s)Billy t)Barry U) Paul v)Stan w)Tom x)Kelly y)Jim z)Countless others

14) Fully allow your remaining experience to be there without the intention of getting rid of it or keeping it. Allow it to transform in its own way without forcing it or hindering it.

Have fun and let go of attempting to do this perfectly, Steve
